Mayor welcomes home in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park for 9/11 artwork

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has tonight welcomed a decision by London Legacy Development Corporation planning decisions committee to approve a location for ‘After 9/11’, a public artwork made from World Trade Centre steel recovered from Ground Zero and commissioned by the 9/11 Project as part of their work as an educational charity.

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said: ‘I am absolutely delighted that the 9/11 artwork gifted to London has secured a fitting home on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. The Park hosted an Olympic and Paralympic Games based on tolerance and respect, and sits at the heart of a thriving multi-dimensional and vibrant community, providing the perfect riposte to those who sought to divide the world on 9/11. This powerful artwork’s presence at such a special site will ensure that the circumstances and aftermath of these tragic events are never forgotten by either current or future generations.’